Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention for Nonprofits, Youth Sports Organizations and Camps (Safe Sport Act Compliance)
Why Nonprofits Need Child Abuse Prevention Training
For-impact organizations (a.k.a. nonprofits) that care for, advocate for, and work on behalf of children play an important role in our communities, providing life-changing resources for our most vulnerable populations. But these same organizations are themselves targets for abusers.
Safeguard Your Nonprofit’s Mission
The very kindness nonprofits offer makes them a target for predators looking for opportunities to interact with children. Child abusers are naturally going to be attracted to environments where children are. They’re looking for organizations that seem unaware of the risks or are not actively demonstrating abuse prevention policies, zero tolerance and intent to prosecute offenders.
Protect your mission with innovative, engaging and affordable child abuse prevention video training your team can accomplish on their own time in about an hour.
Identify Child Abusers Who Target Nonprofits
Those who practice physical, emotional and sexual abuse or exploitation of children are very good at hiding in plain sight. These abusers come across as harmless and caring individuals and gravitate to leadership positions. They have a knack for earning the trust of children and their parents. They know how to hide their misdeeds and convince children not to report the abuse. They share their knowledge of unsuspecting organizations with their dark network of fellow predators.
Educate your team … because anyone can be a child abuser. Safeguard From Abuse Awareness Video Training helps your nonprofit recognize an abuser BEFORE tragedy strikes.
Prevent Child Sexual Abuse in Your Nonprofit
With a comprehensive child protection program that enables your staff, childcare workers, and adult volunteers to know what to look for, you gain an advantage over the 95% of child molesters who don’t have a criminal record yet.
Abusers actively avoid organizations that send a strong message of focus on preventing maltreatment of children and zero-tolerance programs in place. This proactive stance can be easily implemented with Safeguard from Abuse Awareness Video Training.
It’s easy, convenient, and affordable … and it’s youth-serving nonprofits’ best line of defense against child abuse.
In this concise, informative, and dynamic video course, your team will learn:
Types of abuse and behaviors that qualify as abuse
Profiles of abusers and potential warning signs
The types of roles predators seek out
Policies and guidelines to put in place
Recognizing abusive or pre-abuse behaviors, such as “grooming”
Recognizing symptoms of abuse in children
Actions to take if abuse is suspected
How to help a child feel safe about telling the truth
Legal responsibilities of every organization
Specific roles legally required to report suspected abuse
Child abuse is a preventable problem. Protect those in your care with this invaluable knowledge.